All the latest from Engaged communities


Is 2023 set to be the year of the volunteer?

New research by Pro Bono Economics (PBE) shows charities could benefit from up to 2.5 million new volunteers, aged 18-34, across the UK next year. Polling for PBE, carried out by Opinium, found that one in six from this younger cohort plan to start volunteering in 2023. Meanwhile, one in five social sector organisations are …


Building GoVolunteering – some reflections

As we move into the week that we launch our new GoVolunteering software, I thought I’d reflect on our adventure into building community technology. It’s been a long journey. There have been some days where …


We are Tech for Good

Our commitment to equality, equity and inclusion. Our software will only be ever be world class by building an inclusive and tested network. For everyone to benefit from technology and the opportunities it creates, we …


Charity Digital explores how volunteering will develop in 2023

Many charities and non-profit organisations rely on volunteers to keep operating. The benefits of using volunteers are obvious. They are unpaid, increase reach and awareness of your cause, offer additional skills and expertise, and improve overall …


Remote Volunteering Has A Greater Role In The Future of Volunteering

Remote volunteering was unheard of before the COVID-19 pandemic and the worldwide lockdowns which followed. Now, however, it has become and is emerging as another great force to make impactful change in the world. Remote …


Employee Volunteer Schemes – Doing Good For Business, Mental Health, and The World

This article in Forbes explores the increasing trend of Employee Volunteering Schemes, their benefits and how they add value to communities. Every company wants to be seen as a leader in Environmental, Social, and Governance …


Our Plymouth shortlisted for PlymouthLive Business Awards 2022

Our Plymouth is thrilled to announce that we have been shortlisted in the prestigious PlymouthLive Business Awards 2022.

Stay in the know with our work

We’ve successfullly completed a first round of investment and we are actively working on building the first product in our volunteering suite of products.

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